I am a software engineer at Google. I received my Ph.D. degree from University of California, Los Angeles, advised by Prof. Songwu Lu. I got my BS degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU).
My research interests include networked system, network security, edge/cloud computing, and mobile networks. Here is my CV.
We devise a novel SIM-based solution to 5G failure diagnosis and handling. Our work "SEED: A SIM-Based Solution to 5G Failures" has been appeared in ACM SIGCOMM 2022. [PDF]
We uncover new vulnerabilities of the current SIM practice and propose a new solution that offers both authentication and fine-grained access control. Our work "SecureSIM: Rethinking Authentication and Access Control for SIM/eSIM" has been appeared in the 27th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom'21). [PDF]
Sonica (Software-defined Open NB-IoT Research Platform) provides an open-source NB-IoT testbed that is able to communicate with commodity off-the-shelf (COTS) devices.
View on GithubFlora (Flexible Mobile Network Platform) is a flexible software-defined 4G LTE/5G system without commodity SIM cards, communication chipsets, or dedicated infrastructure equipment.
View on GithubDevice-Based LTE Latency Reduction at the Application Layer appeared in the 18th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI '21).
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Yunqi Guo, Jinghao Zhao, Boyan Ding, Congkai Tan, Weichong Lin, Zhaowei Tan, Hongzhe Du, Jennifer Miyaki, Songwu Lu.
ACM MobiCom 2023.
Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Boyan Ding, Songwu Lu.
Jinghao Zhao, Zhaowei Tan, Yifei Xu, Zhehui Zhang, Songwu Lu.
Jinghao Zhao, Qianru Li, Zengwen Yuan, Zhehui Zhang, Songwu Lu.
IEEE CNS 2022.
Jinghao Zhao, Boyan Ding, Yunqi Guo, Zhaowei Tan, Songwu Lu.
ACM MobiCom 2021.
Zhaowei Tan, Boyan Ding, Jinghao Zhao, Yunqi Guo, Songwu Lu.
ACM MobiCom 2021.
Yuanjie Li, Chunyi Peng, Zhehui Zhang, Zhaowei Tan, Haotian Deng, Jinghao Zhao, Qianru Li, Yunqi Guo, Kai Ling, Boyan Ding, Hewu Li, Songwu Lu.
ACM MobiCom 2021.
Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Yuanjie Li, Yifei Xu, Songwu Lu.
Kaiyuan Chen, Jinghao Zhao.
IJCNN 2019.
Zhaowei Tan, Jinghao Zhao, Yuanjie Li, Yifei Xu, Songwu Lu.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC) 2023.
Zhehui Zhang, Yuanjie Li, Qianru Li, Jinghao Zhao, Ghufran Baig, Lili Qiu, Songwu Lu.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking (TON) 2022.
Zhaowei Tan, Boyan Ding, Jinghao Zhao, Yunqi Guo, Songwu Lu.
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 2022.